Why Egypt Becomes It Hub For The Software

Egypt’s Promising Opportunity in the Software Industry

Egypt has a unique chance to establish a compact yet effective software sector and for Egypt, becomes the IT hub. While its potential is on the rise, it can further expand beyond current levels. The combined efforts of the government, industry, financial institutions, and the education system will determine the industry’s development and contribution to Egypt’s economy.

Nascent Stage of Egypt’s Software Industry

The software landscape in Egypt is still in its infancy, but it’s a blend of diversity and variety, with both local and multinational players. About 28% of the population is engaged in educational programs, while the workforce comprises 19 million individuals (source: www.idsc.gov.eg).

Pro-business policies have spurred the software sector’s growth, attracting investments from companies like IBM, Intel, Valeo, and Oracle. These corporations have established facilities and expanded operations in Egypt, aided by favorable regulations.

Since 2005, Egypt has striven to become a preferred destination for intellectual capital investments, offering software development, business process outsourcing, and call center services. This drive has led to the creation of technology parks hosting over 130 multinational companies specializing in ICT, software development, outsourcing, and call centers.

Strengths and Opportunities in Egypt’s Software Industry


  1. A burgeoning generation of well-educated IT graduates.
  2. Egypt’s cultural diversity and language skills make it attractive to global companies seeking outsourcing or remote teams.
  3. The industry possesses limited but valuable experience, technical know-how, and capacity.
  4. A young, educated, and competitive workforce equipped with necessary skills.
  5. Strong emphasis on education and technical training, aligning curricula with current technology trends.
  6. Competitive labor costs compared to other tech hubs.
  7. Advantageous time zone alignment with Europe and potential second shift for the United States.
  8. Strategic geographical location for collaboration across multiple time zones.
  9. Abundance of risk-taking entrepreneurs.


  1. Establishing software business incubators, such as intelligent villages.
  2. Enhanced involvement of educational institutions and training centers.
  3. Internships and scholarships are offered by local and multinational software vendors.
  4. The active role of software associations in promoting development companies.
  5. Government support at macro and micro levels.
  6. Changes in tax policies, reduced telephone tariffs, and new IP laws.

Egypt’s Pursuit of Software Excellence

Efforts to position Egypt as an intellectual capital investment hub have been ongoing since 2005, focusing on software development, business process outsourcing, and call center services. These endeavors have spurred the growth of high-tech infrastructure, with technology parks housing over 130 multinational companies engaged in ICT, software development, outsourcing, and call centers.
