We are a
German Nearshore Development Service Provider

with branches in Egypt, Ukraine,and

Facts & Figures

Founded in 2012

115+ employees

350+ successfully completed projects

20+ customers

Headquarters in Stuttgart (Germany)

Development hubs in Egypt, Ukraine and Portugal

German contract and partner

High satisfaction rate


We erase cultural boundaries to reach perfection.


Everyone's involved and everyone has their impact.

Passion and Enthusiasm

We let our love and excitement for work influence the process and the outcome.


We are always open to new challenges and constant improvement.


We are honest and committed to the client, always offering win-win cooperation

Our Culture &

It is characterized by agile processes, autonomous teams without hierarchies, and openness and transparency – internally and with our clients.

While working in small teams with a family atmosphere, we believe that services can be provided in a people-centered way without sacrificing quality.

We maintain long-term customer relationships and work hard to develop technologies that make people´s lives easier.
By bringing talents from different countries together, we unite the best of various cultures to achieve excellence.

Contact Person

Stefan Nesselhauf

Founder/Chief Executive Officer

Mariia Lituta

Recruitment Lead / Operations Manager (Europe)

Hadeer ElHennawy

Recruitment Lead / Operations Manager (Middle East)

Juliana Shvarz

Nearshore Consultant (Europe)

Farah EzzElarab

Outsourcing Consultant (Middle East)

Amira Adel

Business Developer (Middle East)

We Would
Love to Hear
from You!

Didn’t find an open position that suits you? Feel free to send us your application, we’ll be happy to get back to you and help you once we can.