Nearshore IT Staff Augmentation: Everything You Need to Know

Nearshore IT Staff Augmentation: Everything You Need to Know to Nearshore Outsourcing

Are you struggling to fill tech roles in-house? Nearshore IT staff augmentation could be your answer. Get the talent you need with greater cost-efficiency, expertise, and speed. If so, nearshore IT staff augmentation may be the right solution for your needs. Nearshore staff augmentation is an increasingly popular option for businesses that want to access the latest technological advancements while keeping costs low. 

So, let’s get started! This blog will explain what nearshore IT staff augmentation is and how this solution can benefit your business. We’ll also discuss considerations when choosing a nearshore partner and tips for getting started. By the end, you’ll be equipped to decide if nearshore IT staff augmentation is the right strategy for your tech needs.


The Problem Small Talent Pool and Rising Costs and The Solution Nearshore IT Staff Augmentation

Today’s businesses face a growing challenge: a shrinking pool of qualified IT professionals. According to Forbes, tech job offerings have skyrocketed in recent years while the applicant pool has dwindled. This talent shortage produces fierce competition for skilled workers, increasing hiring costs. Traditional in-house hiring can be lengthy and expensive, leaving businesses frustrated and behind schedule.


What Is Nearshore IT Staff Augmentation and Outscouring, and How Can It Help?

Nearshore IT staffing is a specific type of outsourcing where you collaborate with professionals in neighboring or nearby countries. It’s a part of the broader business outsourcing industry that encompasses various models like business process outsourcing (BPO).  Let’s break down the key ways nearshore stands apart from the broader concept of outsourcing:

  • Geographic Proximity: Nearshore focuses on countries near or in similar time zones. This enables more accessible communication, potential in-person meetings, and less drastic time differences compared to far-off outsourcing destinations.
  • Cultural Similarities: Working with nearshore teams often means a closer cultural alignment due to shared regional backgrounds. This can lead to smoother collaboration and reduced misunderstandings.
  • Cost/Expertise Balance: While offshore outsourcing (e.g., India, Southeast Asia) might sometimes offer slightly lower costs, nearshore regions often strike a better balance between cost-efficiency and specialized technical expertise. A key distinction in the nearshore vs. offshore debate is this balance, with nearshore offering proximity advantages over the cost benefits of offshore.

Nearshore Outsourcing allows businesses to delegate tasks or projects to external vendors. There are three main types of Outsourcing, each with its advantages and disadvantages:

  • Onshore Outsourcing involves hiring: A vendor located within your own country. This offers the benefit of similar work cultures and time zones but often comes with a higher price tag.
  • Outsourcing involves partnering: With a vendor in a distant country. This can be the most cost-effective option but can also introduce challenges like time zone differences, language barriers, and cultural misunderstandings.
  • Nearshore Outsourcing: This involves working with a vendor in a nearby country. This offers a middle ground, combining the affordability of outsourcing, smoother communication, and cultural similarities of outsourcing IT staffing, allowing you to hire professional tech experts in nearby countries. This type of staffing lets you access highly skilled individuals without the high costs of in-house hiring or the challenges of managing a remote team located far offshore.

Nearshore outsourcing and offshore outsourcing are both valid strategies, each with its own merits. Nearshoring allows businesses to delegate tasks or projects to external vendors. The build-operate-transfer (BOT) model is a common approach used in nearshore outsourcing, where the vendor builds and operates a dedicated team for the client and eventually transfers the knowledge and operations back in-house. This is a key aspect of the business outsourcing process.

Nearshore IT staffing allows you to hire professional tech experts in nearby countries. These experts can range from software developers and UI designers to highly specialized roles like SAP RAR (Revenue Accounting and Reporting) consultants, who help ensure compliance with international financial reporting standards. This type of staffing lets you access highly skilled individuals without the high costs of in-house hiring or the challenges of managing a remote team located far offshore.

Nearshore IT staffing is ideal for maximizing tech investments. With access to experienced professionals at competitive rates and improved communication, you can rest assured that your tech needs will be well taken care of. You can learn more about IT staffing, virtual teams and remote team at Evolvice GmbH here.


Why Choose Nearshore IT Staff Augmentation? The Advantages

IT nearshoring brings tons of benefits to your business. Let’s review some of them below.

Cost Savings

Nearshoring IT staff provides significant cost savings over traditional onshore IT staffing. Not only do you save money on salaries, but you also save money on overhead costs such as premises and equipment. The lower labor costs in nearshore locations allow for greater flexibility when budgeting for large projects or long-term contracts. 

Access to Expertise

Nearshore IT staff augmentation allows businesses to access highly skilled professionals outside their local market. This can be especially beneficial when specialist skill sets are required but need help finding them locally. With a larger pool of talent available, companies can more easily fill gaps in their workforce by tapping into the expertise of overseas professionals. Evolvice has access to 500,000+ talents and five development hubs in four countries (Germany, Ukraine, Egypt, and Portugal). In fact, The Egyptian IT sector is experiencing significant growth, with a market size of USD 10.6 billion in 2023. This includes 2.7 million IT professionals, making it the largest IT workforce in the Arab world.
As of 2023, Ukraine boasts over 300,000 IT professionals, including developers, engineers, and other tech specialists. This number is expected to rise in the coming years.

Rapid Deployment

The speed of communication and the proximity to the source location mean that nearshore IT staff augmentation can be deployed much quicker with our access to a pool of candidates collected over the years. This makes it possible to rapidly scale up resources when there is a period of high demand or to fill any gaps in staffing caused by unexpected absences quickly.

Quick Response Time

With IT nearshoring, businesses benefit from quick response times should any issues arise. The time zone is similar. The team members are located relatively close by, so they can respond to queries and fix problems more quickly than if they were working remotely from overseas. For example, at Evolvice, our development hubs are in the same time zone as Europe.

Flexible Contracts

Nearshore IT staff augmentation allows for greater flexibility regarding contract length and additional services required. This makes it easier for businesses to adjust the team size without starting from scratch or finding a new service provider.

Improved Technical Knowledge

Nearshore IT staff augmentation providers can offer valuable insights when working with new technologies. They are better placed to advise on the best tools and systems to use and suggest any improvements that could be made to increase efficiency and output. Their expertise can help businesses stay ahead of the competition by ensuring they can access the most up-to-date solutions. At Evolvice, we can find developers with experience in the client’s domain. As we are not limited to a specific location, we can find people with top technical skills and domain knowledge who can contribute to clients’ businesses with their experience.

Better Team Synergy

With nearshore IT staff augmentation, it’s easier to build a virtual team of professionals who share a similar working culture, language, and technical know-how. This helps create an atmosphere of trust, leading to improved output and higher-quality work. All these factors combine to make nearshore IT staff augmentation an excellent option for businesses looking to grow their teams of developers or improve their use of technology.

With the many benefits of Nearshore IT staff augmentation, businesses can rest assured that they are in good hands. They will benefit from cost savings, access to expert resources, improved communication, faster deployment times, and better team synergy within their project. Ultimately, this allows them to stay ahead using the latest technologies and solutions. With nearshore IT staff augmentation, businesses can achieve tremendous success in their projects with ease of mind and high quality.


What to Look for in a Qualified Nearshore IT Staff Professional

When searching for a qualified IT professional and reviewing their IT resumes, business owners should be sure to keep the following points in mind before technical interviews:

Define Your Needs

Every project is unique and requires different skills, so defining precisely what you need is essential. Consider the project’s scope, how long it will take, and any special skills that may be required. Once these are determined, you can assess which professionals have the best qualifications for the job. This might include specific roles like a domain architect who can design complex software architectures or UI designers with experience in creating intuitive UI designs. Once these are determined, you can assess which professionals have the best qualifications for the job. This is important when evaluating candidates for specialized roles like domain architects or those with experience in creating bespoke software.

Soft Skills

In addition to technical knowledge, your chosen professional should possess specific soft skills. Communication abilities, relationship-building capabilities, and problem-solving aptitude can make or break a successful working relationship.

Technical Skills

Technical proficiency is an essential factor when selecting a qualified IT professional. Ensure that the candidate’s skills match your project’s requirements and that they have appropriate certifications or qualifications. They may have experience with specific software development methodologies or expertise in creating bespoke software.

By considering these points, business owners can be better prepared to find experienced developers who meet their specifications and can deliver results.


Finding the Right Nearshore IT Partner

Are you looking to find qualified nearshore IT staff for your business? We’ve got you covered. This step-by-step guide will help you find highly skilled and reliable workers quickly and easily.

Step 1: Analyze Nearshore Options

Once you have identified your needs, it’s time to find the best nearshoring option. Countries like EgyptUkraine, and Portugal are great options for qualified professionals in information technology. Each country has different advantages and disadvantages depending on the type of staff you’re looking for. Look at the various countries and their qualities before making a decision. Consider whether you need an offshore development center or are looking for specific expertise in nearshore software development

Step 2: Choose Your Partner

Now that you’ve identified the country where you want to outsource IT and staff, it’s time to select an experienced nearshore partner who can help you with with recruitment, managed IT services, and support services Look for partners with extensive experience in the field and a proven track record of success. They should be able to provide you with all the necessary references, testimonials, and other legal documents.

Step 3: Assess Potential Candidates

Once your nearshore partner has identified potential candidates who meet your criteria, conducting interviews and assessment tests is time. Consider their technical skills, communication abilities, attitude towards work, problem-solving capabilities, experience in similar projects, and more. This will help ensure you get the best IT staff for your business needs. If you need a specialist role like a domain architect, delve into their experience in designing complex software architectures. Assess their experience in delivering bespoke software development solutions if that aligns with your project requirements.

Step 4: Finalize the Contract

Once you have chosen the right candidate for the software development job, it’s time to finalize the contract. Ensure that critical technical details such as modes of communication, payment schedules, and any other applicable clauses are included. Also, ensure that the contract aligns with the country’s labor laws.Consider if a business outsourcing process agreement is necessary to outline the scope of the engagement, especially if you are opting for a BPO process or a broader business outsourcing arrangement.

And there you have it—a complete guide on how to find nearshore qualified IT staff for your business! Following these steps, you can easily find reliable professionals to handle all your IT needs. So, get started today and make sure your business gets the best IT resources available!



Nearshore IT staff augmentation is a great way to expand your business’s capabilities with qualified talent quickly. With access to skilled professionals in nearby countries, you can get the skills and expertise without expensive relocation costs or long wait times.

With the right nearshore IT staff augmentation strategy, you can easily stay ahead of the competition and cost-effectively increase your market share. By leveraging their knowledge base, you can ensure that projects are completed on time and within budget. Ultimately, it is the perfect way to get a competitive edge without delays while maintaining top-notch quality. If you want to help find the best IT and developers’ talents for your project or to learn more about the peculiarities and rates in our outsourcing markets of Portugal, Ukraine, and Egypt? contact us today to help with your questions.
